domingo, 31 de marzo de 2024

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2024



Made by: Melanie Lupercio and Emily Sarmiento

9TH ¨A¨


Over the years, we have entertained many aspirations, but now we have made our decision: one of us wants to be a stewardess, and the other aims to become a lawyer. While there may be difficulties ahead, we believe we can overcome them. Both of these professions offer numerous benefits that can significantly shape our futures.

When contemplating your desired career path, it's essential to consider the nature of the profession. In our case, whether as a lawyer or a flight attendant, providing excellent customer service is crucial. However, as a lawyer, one specializes more in matters of justice and client advocacy, while a stewardess focuses more on first aid and tourism. Additionally, both professions offer attractive salaries: a stewardess earns $30,658 per year, whereas a lawyer earns $79,587 annually, ensuring a comfortable lifestyle.

Both professions offer advantages, although they differ in nature. For a stewardess, one notable benefit is the opportunity to learn new languages and travel the world, while being a lawyer offers job security and a prominent social standing.

Both careers present challenges. For instance, as a stewardess, mastering multiple languages and studying tourism can be demanding. Conversely, as a lawyer, one must possess a thorough understanding of laws and regulations and cope with the pressures of legal work.

In conclusion, both the stewardess and lawyer professions offer considerable benefits. By working diligently to achieve our dreams, we can overcome obstacles and pave the way for a fulfilling life. Each challenge we overcome prepares us for future hurdles, ultimately enabling us to realize our aspirations.




By: Emily Maza and Camila Tenesaca

9th ¨A¨


What does a tourist criminologist do? A tourist criminologist offers intriguing tours within their career field. To embark on this path, one must have studied criminology and possess strong communication skills to conduct tours. This profession allows you to combine your passion for criminology with tourism, offering a dynamic and diverse job experience where each tour is unique.

There are various types of tours available, including visits to historical sites associated with famous crimes, criminological museums exhibiting objects related to criminal investigations, and analysis of criminal cases where participants can engage in solving real cases. Additionally, there are routes focusing on historical figures linked to famous criminals or figures associated with justice.

Required skills and knowledge: To excel in this role, one must possess several essential skills and knowledge. Firstly, a background in criminology or related fields such as forensic sciences is necessary. Additionally, proficiency in tourism, mastery of guiding techniques, group management skills, and excellent communication abilities are vital to explain complex concepts clearly and attractively. Passion for history and culture, an interest in sharing knowledge about the city or region where the tours are conducted, and research skills for analyzing criminal cases are also crucial.

The biggest advantage of being a tourism criminologist is the opportunity to merge two passions: criminology and tourism. The job's dynamic nature ensures that each tour offers a different experience. Moreover, interacting with people from diverse cultures allows for the sharing of knowledge and the potential for generating additional income.

If you possess a passion for criminology and tourism, this career path can offer rewarding and challenging opportunities. It enables you to leverage your expertise, skills, and research passion to create unique and unforgettable experiences for visitors.

Principio del formulario





By: Doménica Mejía, Dayanna Santos

9th ¨B¨


Work is challenging in all its aspects, but which is more demanding: being a psychologist or a craftsman? Psychologists delve into the study and comprehension of human behavior and mental processes. They possess empathy and insight into people's emotions, thoughts, relationships, and behaviors. Conversely, artisans create home ornaments manually, often without the aid of machinery, which presents its own complexity.

In crafts, mechanical tools like laser machines, sheet punches, or Stanley scissors are sometimes utilized, facilitating the process to some extent. However, craftsmanship still demands considerable skill. On the other hand, psychologists require a spacious, comfortable environment for their practice. Some choose to meet clients in serene outdoor settings, while others have their own office, either within a building or in a separate location, necessitating strong empathy and communication skills.

One challenge in psychology is handling difficult clients, some of whom may behave poorly or even become aggressive. However, satisfied clients may refer others, aiding the psychologist's professional growth. Similarly, artisans face obstacles in promoting their work and finding venues to showcase their artistry. They invest in materials required for their craft, while psychologists must maintain a suitable space for client sessions.

Psychologists need a spacious, serene environment and may even conduct sessions outdoors, armed with diagnostic tools and the ability to analyze and reflect on human nature. Conversely, craftsmen rely on tools such as wooden planks, paint, fabric, and wood to bring their creations to life.

Despite their unique challenges, both professions are equally vital. Psychologists help society address its problems and navigate emotions effectively, while artisans passionately contribute to home decor and breathe life into empty spaces. This comparison highlights the importance of each profession, acknowledging their equal significance and value in society.





By: Justin Siguenza y Mateo Morillo

9th ¨A¨


Did you know that athletics is the oldest organized sport on record? Technically, the first historical reference is a list of the winning athletes of a pentathlon held in Greece in 776 BC.

An athlete is a person who has a good condition, with a healthy body and has developed physical capabilities such as strength, resistance and flexibility, some think that it is something simple, but the truth is that this also has its difficulties, but not everything is as bad as you think, this also has its benefits.

 An athlete, in addition to being a healthy person, is also a person who competes in tournaments, where it is not easy, they may have obstacles and they may be very long, but well, they prepare for something, right?

But as I already said, it also has difficulties such as: Injuries can range from small sprains to serious injuries that require surgery and prolonged rehabilitation, also, their competitions can be very intense, everyone always wants to win, it's obvious, another thing that people think can be good is that sometimes they have to travel, this can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, these are just some of the difficulties that athletes can face in their sports career, but some athletes are happy to overcome all these difficulties and achieve their goals.

Wait, it's not all bad, being an athlete also has its benefits, such as physical health, regular training and participation in sports can significantly improve physical health, most athletes have low body fat and more muscle this helps them to perform better in His abilities, you too can have knowledge and success, or rather make all your effort worthwhile, and as I said before, traveling can be exhausting but it also has a little benefit, because you can see new places and win your competition.

In conclusion, being an athlete is a good thing but with some difficulties, it also brings you rewards or rather benefits for your body, health, etc. We recommend that you at least practice some sport, I hope this has helped you keep in mind. what it means to be an athlete.




By: Joselyn Mariela Belesaca Barzallo
9th ¨A¨


Criminalistics is a discipline of applied science that deals with the collection, preservation, analysis, and interpretation of evidence in a criminal investigation. So, how does Criminalistics work? What is Criminalistics like and the types that exist? Which is the processes that criminalistics has? What are the stages of the criminal proceedings and trial?

Criminalistics is a multidisciplinary discipline of forensic science, combining various scientific knowledge from different areas to analyze material evidence and thus provide objective evidence that helps clarify crimes and contributes to the delivery of justice. The objective of this discipline is to determine and reconstruct the facts of the circumstances in which a criminal act was committed, as well as to identify the possible perpetrators or victims of a crime. It also relies on the use of advanced technologies, such as spectroscopy, chromatography, microscopy, forensic genetics, ballistics, among others, to carry out its analyses. Some types of Criminalistics are: Field forensics, Laboratory forensics, Fingerprint Criminalistics, Document forensics, Medical-legal forensic forensics, Computer forensics, Accident forensics and Forensic Criminalistics.

An investigative process is the first step in solving a crime. This includes gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses and suspects, and analyzing evidence to establish a line of inquiry. Obtaining evidence is very essential to solving a crime and must be carried out carefully to ensure its admissibility at trial. Some activities and techniques that are important: Fingerprint identification is one of the oldest and most reliable methods used in forensics. In this process of identifying people, investigators use various techniques to identify people involved in a crime, including dental examination, DNA analysis, and fingerprint identification. Blood testing is essential to determine the cause of death and establish the degree of violence in a crime. In addition, drug identification is an important part of forensics, investigators use chemical and chromatographic techniques to identify drugs present at the crime scene or in samples collected from suspects. And Criminalistics also encompasses document analysis, writing examination, computer data analysis, fraud detection, and forensic ballistics, among other disciplines.

The stage of the criminal process focuses on the collection, analysis and interpretation of material evidence, in relation to a crime to provide evidence which helps to clarify the facts and determine the guilt of the suspects, it works with the police and the Public Prosecutor's Office to collect the evidence at the scene of the crime. to be able to analyze them in the laboratory and prepare technical reports. On the other hand, at the trial stage its main function is to explain and validate those analyses before the court, criminalistics plays an important role as an expert witness. Forensic experts may even be called upon to testify and explain the results of their analyses, thus answering questions from both the defense and the prosecution. Importantly, this testimony is critical to proving the veracity of the evidence presented and helping the court understand the complexity of the physical and scientific evidence.

In conclusion criminalistics is an essential applied scientific discipline in solving crimes. Basic concepts include the investigation process, chain of custody, fingerprint identification, person identification, blood analysis and drug identification.




Emily Piña y Doménica Gahona

9th ¨B¨

Nowadays, the career of being a writer is among the top 10 careers around the world, as it promotes creativity, helps develop one's own criteria, and enables self-discovery.

Immersing oneself in a diversity of genres and literary styles expands the repertoire of ideas and enriches the writer's creative baggage. It gives the author the opportunity to give voice to their thoughts, to share dreams and challenges with the world, and to leave a part of themselves in every word they write. The practice of writing encourages the development of one's own criteria when exploring and analyzing various topics, thus strengthening the ability to form informed opinions. For example, J.K. Rowling, recognized for creating the successful Harry Potter book series, has impressed millions of readers around the world with her ability to build magical worlds and memorable characters.

When writing, for example, novels, you get to know preferences, and that's how you reach the reader. Also, you can learn about anything, acquiring new skills, knowledge, creativity, and other valuable qualities applicable in various aspects of life.

In our opinion, being a writer is not just a profession; it is a journey of creativity, ideas, and imagination. Through words, writers share stories that inspire, entertain, and provoke reflection.







By: Chris Vintimilla

9th ¨A¨


Architecture is something that serves as a way for us to demonstrate our creativity when carrying out architectural work. The Architecture degree integrates knowledge of art, design, engineering, landscaping, urban planning, and more, teaching you how to design spaces and optimize resources, seeking the well-being of the people who will inhabit them. Architects can understand how spaces allow humans to interact in different ways.

Architecture shows us creations such as structures, modern pieces, artistic creations for recreations or museums, and several other things that are well-known in modern and historical architecture. The creation, improvement, and restoration of physical spaces demonstrate the needs of human beings, and architecture will always use imagination, technique, structure, etc.

Architecture as a discipline is in constant transformation. Therefore, the work of an architect consists of constantly thinking about the limits of design and innovation, understanding the individual and their environment, and using design as a tool to provide answers to the problems posed by living in contemporary society.

Architecture shows us that we can create various things just with our imagination, and our way of demonstrating art is not only based on the creation of structures.




By: Andrés García, David Pineda

9th ¨A¨


Which job is better, scientist or cartoonist? A scientist is a career dedicated to research, discovery, and the application of knowledge in various areas of study. On the other hand, a cartoonist is a person who practices and dedicates themselves to drawing, whether as a professional or as an amateur.

Today, scientists are trained in an academic environment, especially at the postgraduate level, such as universities and research institutes. Being a scientist is a vocation for many. Some disadvantages of this career include its complexity and the requirement for significant effort and dedication, while some advantages include the daily exercise of the brain and the generation of new knowledge. Examples of some of the best scientists in the world include Isaac Newton, who discovered the inverse square law of gravitation.

Caricaturing is the discipline of drawing and outlining any figure, abstract or representing a real object, as a form of graphic expression. Drawing is at the base of almost all plastic artistic activities. Some disadvantages include the stress it generates and the required skill level, while advantages include its promotion of interpersonal communication, demonstration of emotions, and encouragement of creativity. One of the best-known cartoonists is Michelangelo, who created some of the most famous paintings in the world, such as the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper.


In conclusion, the comparison between the professions of scientist and cartoonist ultimately depends on individual interests, talents, and aspirations. A career in science offers the opportunity for groundbreaking research, discovery, and the application of knowledge across various fields. It demands a high level of dedication and effort but rewards with the satisfaction of contributing to the advancement of human understanding. On the other hand, cartooning is a creative pursuit centered around visual expression, offering avenues for communication, emotional demonstration, and innovation. While both paths have their challenges and rewards, the decision of which is better is subjective and ultimately depends on one's passion and aptitude. Whether delving into the depths of scientific inquiry or exploring the realm of artistic imagination, both scientists and cartoonists play integral roles in shaping our world and enriching our lives.



By: Christopher Pichasaca, Carlos Pineda.

9th ¨B¨


Did you know that a million electricians die every year? But they, in turn, help us ensure the safety of everyday life. Additionally, many musicians commit suicide due to emotional problems.

Many electricians have died because of the inherent dangers of their job. Being an electrician is not safe, so to speak. We must also acknowledge that climbing poles implies even more danger. For instance, two workers who were carrying out power line maintenance in the Río Negro parish, Baños de Agua Santa canton, died on a Friday morning after falling from electricity poles. It was a tragedy.

Despite this, electricians help ensure our safety by providing us with energy. This is crucial because it allows us to be safer in dark places and facilitates surveillance, which is very important to us.

The same cannot be said for musicians, as their job is not known for being safe. However, many musicians have committed suicide because they did not achieve their goals or felt empty. For example, Kurt Cobain, a musician from years ago, committed suicide due to depression, illness, and heroin addiction.

In conclusion, many of these jobs are inherently dangerous, as they can bring sorrow into the lives of families and the individuals themselves. Nonetheless, both jobs are crucial for society.





El día en que en la noche se visitan siete iglesias tuvo lugar el III Intercolegial de Literatura. Evento -que prometía- llevado a cabo en una de las instalaciones del Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno. He aquí unas breves pinceladas, con más pinta de rayones que de delicados trazos, a manera de recuento, de lo acaecido en esta calurosa mañana.

Tal parece que el discurso de que la Literatura es protesta, símbolo de des-encantamiento y des-alineación es solamente eso: un discurso que no aplica ante las poltronas de inexistentes jerarquías mal-establecidas.

¿Por qué se pretende tapar el sol con -no un dedo- sino con toda la mano? ¿Por qué el descarrilado frenesí por ovacionar una cultura morlaca imaginaria? ¿Por qué no decir la verdad en tanto a la actual situación política y social que enfrenta el país? ¿Por qué no analizar con bases legítimas y serios fundamentos los cimientos de esta ciudad?

¿De cuándo acá los premios se quedan en casa? ¿Por qué la amnesia se presenta solamente en determinadas participaciones? El juez, por su condición, no defiende, ni acusa, ni pone malas caras. Ah, el ¨yo¨ como principio dialéctico cuencano por excelencia, ¨a donde ponía la mano, no dejaba cosa sana¨, inveterada yace en el tuétano aquella deformación.

¨A la Tierra que fuereis, haréis lo que viereis¨ No. Consideramos nuestro bagaje de principios y total y honesta sinceridad como eje rector de nuestro proceder y actuar, aunque ¨dicen que me arrastrarán por sobre rocas, cuando la revolución se venga abajo¨, da igual ¨yo me muero como viví¨.

¿La culpa? De quien siempre tachamos: la actual y desbordada, egoísta y delirante coyuntura a la que todos contribuimos. He dicho.  

Ánimo a ustedes, que la experiencia nos llevamos.


A manera de colofón, como bien se enunció: ¨ ¿En serio llegamos a esto? ¨






Creo que esto sucedió mientras dormía, pero como el ¨creer¨ es no saber, pues… En todo caso, había soñado que era vilmente perseguido, asechado, perturbado por una jauría de rabiosos, babosos, embusteros e iracundos perros, de esos canes que tienen complejo de mamporreros. Conjunto de mamíferos que, pese a las descripciones que los llevan a figurar como indómitos, eran supremamente sumisos, obedientes, fieles lacayos de su amo, tal como los describe Orwell en su granja rebelde. Me limitaba a, mientras corría, observarlos de tanto en tanto; aunque percibía la fetidez de la espuma generada por sus hocicos, pese a que enseñaban sus afilados colmillos en cada furibundo ladrido, resultaban inofensivos. En plena carrera hubo de asomarse, así por cuestiones oníricas, un flacuchento tipo de adarga y lanza en mano, acompañado de un desdeñado rocín. A lo lejos lo escuché musitar: ¨Ladran, Sancho, señal que cabalgamos¨    



Por: Ing. Pavlova León

Subinspección; Docente Religión, Computación y Animación a la lectura 


Costa, Sierra y Oriente. Oña, Ponce Enríquez, Limón Indanza, Simiatug, Sevilla, Don Bosco, Manta, Taisha, Macas. Una década de servicio incondicional, de no dudar, de decir: ¨Sí¨. Hace diez años, una Pavlova de 15, decía por primera vez que ¨sí¨ a una gran aventura, de la cual se veía el inicio, pero a día de hoy, no un final.  Jueves Santo: Lavatorio de los pies, Institución de la Eucaristía y Mandamiento del amor. Viernes Santo: Jesús muere en la cruz, el camino al Calvario, Adoración a la cruz, silencio total. Sábado de Gloria: visitar a las familias, entregar estampitas, víveres, bendecir imágenes y dar la Comunión a los enfermos, bendición del Fuego, Vigilia Pascual, despedirse. Domingo de Resurrección: misa de Pascua, volver a casa. Así he vivido mis últimas diez semanas santas. Inclusive en la pandemia.

En donde todos ven un largo feriado, distintos grupos de jóvenes en todo el Mundo, se atribuyen el nombre de ¨Misioneros¨, entonan el tan amado y pegajoso himno: ¨Alma Misionera¨ y con sus mochilas, como si de un scout que va de campamento se tratase, con sleeping, aislante y botas, salen a las comunidades más lejanas y olvidadas, a cumplir el rol, de quien a cargo de la parroquia central no se da abasto para llevar la reflexión de estos cuatro días a cada hogar.

Camas a medio comer de las polillas, casas vacías, cuartos pequeños, baños comunitarios (muchos sin agua caliente o al menos una ducha), una barrita de señal o ninguna, sin red de WiFi, leche recién ordeñada, huevos recién puestos, la majestuosa agüita de cedrón, comer por obligación o, más bien dicho, por educación, pescado salado, fanesca, caminatas eternas; en pocas palabras: otra realidad. Despertarse con el canto de los gallos, aullidos de los perros a media noche, días fríos, tardes con neblina, noches heladas, amanecer a las 05:00 am y acostarse a la 01:00 am (en el mejor de los casos), hablar en público, expresar lo que sientes, escuchar el odio, la envidia, el miedo de quienes hasta hace una hora no habías visto en tu vida. Problemas de lectoescritura, de lenguaje, de idioma (en ciertas ocasiones), niños enfermos, adolescentes reacios, falta de apoyo, miradas, burlas, comentarios fuera de lugar…

¡Qué lugar tan horrible ese al que denominan ¨Misión¨! ¿no? ¿Por qué dejar la cama caliente, la comida rica, el baño privado, los amigos, la señal de celular, las redes sociales, el ¨saber¨ qué pasa con la sociedad, en fin, todo aquello que consideramos comodidad? ¿Quién en su sano juicio decidiría hacer eso? ¿Quién, cuando existe un feriado, prefiere seguir trabajando y desgastándose, en vez de descansar? Porque claro, a nadie le gusta sufrir, entonces ¿para qué incomodarnos a propósito? Y claro que hay una respuesta a cada una de esas preguntas, dos palabras en cuatro letras: no sé.

Mi mamá lo llama la excusa perfecta para no estar en la casa, quienes son misioneros lo llaman vocación, ¿pero yo?, no sé. A diez años de aquel ¨Sí¨ aún no sé cómo llamar a ese sentimiento, ese sentimiento de ir a la misión, de necesitar ir a la misión. ¿Vencer un nuevo miedo? ¿Saber cómo es el nuevo lugar? ¿Por qué simplemente no es lo mismo que asistir a las misas aquí, cerca de mi familia y mis comodidades? Cada año tengo una respuesta nueva y nunca igual a la del año anterior, pero simplemente ¡No sé!

Sin embargo, hay algo que sí sé, es que el lugar, las personas, los desafíos, las celebraciones, no son la misión, la misión es uno. La misión no fue ir a hablar de cómo Jesús dio la vida por nosotros, la misión fue vencer mi miedo a hablar frente a muchas personas y expresar lo que sentía. La misión fue saber que puedo escuchar, observar la realidad y descubrir que mi forma de servir es el hablar, hablar a las personas, desde el corazón y la experiencia. La misión no fue jugar con niños en medio de pastizales, la misión fue entender cómo ellos son muchos más felices con menos que nosotros. La misión no fue ir y rezar por la unión de las familias, fue llegar a mi hogar y saber lo afortunada que soy de tener a mi familia junta. La misión no fue caminar con la cruz al Calvario del Señor en el Viacrucis, la misión fue vencer mi calvario, aprender a comer de todo, aunque me desagrade, aprender a escuchar, aprender a hablar con las personas, aprender a desenvolverme con nueva gente. La misión es uno, no hay otra misión, el viaje, las anécdotas, los cantos, los sufrimientos, no son sino la manera de encontrar nuestra misión, de encontrarnos.

A quien lea esto, le animo a ser misionero, a ser ¨Sal y Luz del Mundo¨, porque la luz no se puede ocultar, cuando brilla, se ve hasta el otro lado de la Tierra e ilumina a quienes pasan por su lado; y a no dejar nunca de ser sal de la vida, porque como se escribió en Mateo 5,13: ¨cuando la sal deja de salar, ya no sirve, se tira y la gente la pisa¨. Hay que ser Sal y Luz de este Mundo, decir que sí a la misión, al llamado a servir, para dejar huella, para poder encontrarse.

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2024



Con total beneplácito compartimos el video del lanzamiento y presentación del libro: ¨La historia ´nacional´ ecuatoriana¨, autoría de PhD. Manuel Ferrer Muñoz, por la Editorial Centro de Estudios Sociales de América Latina CES-AL, bajo la magistral moderación de: María José Uguña Andrade (1ro BGU) y María Paz Uguña Andrade (1ro BGU).

Adjuntamos, a continuación, también, el enlace de descarga de esta importante obra que cuenta una versión distinta a la establecida por los regordetes libros de ¨Historia¨ homogeneizadora y elitista. 

Agradecemos infinitamente a María Paz y María José por su apoyo y les incentivamos a seguir. Cada día aprendemos más de ellas y ellos, que ellas y ellos de nosotros. 



             María José
María Paz



Por: Doménica Palomeque Yunga

Estudiante, 2do BGU


Tú eras especial, 

eras como un coral, 

pero simplemente cambiaste 

y de la nada lo arruinaste.


Arruinaste mi vida

y la volviste suicida,

me destruiste en pedazos

y no me diste ni plazos.


No me diste tiempo de procesar,

sobretodo de comentarlo.

Estar sana para ti

no era de tu agrado.


En esta nota suicida

acabo el desperdicio

que di en tu vida

y en tu triste conciencia.



Por: Diana Katherine Hurtado Cevallos

Estudiante, 2do BGU


En una pequeña cabaña en medio de la noche

un cordero blanco nació,

vestido de piel,

ojos canela,

con una melodía suave y serena

aquel cordero elegido por Dios bajo del cielo.


La ira de Dios cayendo sobre los infieles,

en sueños cercanos, caminando entre hojas

al cordero mató,

desastres en forma de milagros mandó,

dentro del pueblo la gente rezaba en un árbol de manzanas:

¨Es la música del silencio¨.

de Dios,

del diablo.


Vibrando la fe entre la soledad.

Yo te espero, dice la fe.

La luz del cielo lo sabía,

la que nunca se encontraba en el día, pero sí en la salida.

El dolor hablaba por él.

Para que nazca el Mesías un ángel violaron

y como sagrado lo hicieron pasar,

a su hijo robaron,

a un establo lo llevaron,

le rezaron y alabaron,

el niño llorando pidió dejar de ser parte del rebaño,

el infierno arde, le dijeron,

arde porque así lo queremos;

pero es que a Dios se lo comprendo con el tiempo,

no se le pregunta,

no se le cuestiona.

El ángel en vez de florecer marchitaba,

en vez de dar,

la sequía dejaba.

La música es del diablo, pero con una hermosa melodía,

si el diablo existe, no viviría en algo tan pequeño, pero en aquella cabaña el silencio abundaba.


La tierra es santa,

pero no calmada,

el Mesías es un ángel que al final había sido abonado por mano del santo,

 aquel Mesías, supuesto hijo de Dios,

la sangre le hervía,

pero el diablo no deja huellas, así que con el fuego quemó lo que sentía hasta desaparecer lo que creía.


Todos son el bien y el mal y seguimos nuestro camino, todos somos el diablo que se hace pasar por un Mesías…




Por: Josselyn Monserrat Castro Pucha

Estudiante, 2do BGU


¿Ayer?, Caos, ya han pasado varios años.

Es cierto, ya son varios años desde aquel día,

el día, que me perdí en su mirada,

el día, que agarré su mano por primera vez,

el día, que, por fin, sus labios tocaron los míos,

el día, que él se volvió la solución de este caos.


Que los ojos no mienten, me dijeron;

es mentira, sin decir una palabra, sus ojos me engañaron,

sin decir una palabra sus ojos me enamoraron.

Experiencias únicas a su lado,

besos eternos,

abrazos inolvidables.


Caminábamos de la mano

mientras pensaba que era la persona correcta,

jamás olvidaré esa hermosa noche,

sin decir una palabra, las miradas hablaban

a la vez que sus manos, tocaban mi cuerpo.

Pensaba si realmente quería que fuera él,

cerré los ojos y me dejé llevar por el supuesto amor y el verdadero deseo.


Pero después de ese momento, todo cambió.

Él decía seguir amándome, me trataba bien,

pero las malas noticias no paraban de llegar.

¨Ya no quiero estar a tu lado¨, le dije.

¨Seamos amigos¨, propuso.

Su amor jamás fui yo, pensé,

ser su amiga me atormentaba.


¨Caos, aléjate de él¨, me dije.

¨Caos, no puedes estar cerca, pero no pueden vivir alejados¨, me respondí.

¿Y si sus ojos, ya miran a alguien más?

¿Acaso nunca me quiso?

Él decía amarme,

talvez fue una feliz mentira.


Como amigos nos vimos,

¨amigos seremos¨, eso dijimos.

¨Caos, yo te amo¨, me dijo.

¨Seré la última persona a quien ames¨, contesté.

Sí, me amaba de verdad, así fue.

Y si no me amo, solo me pregunto…

Me pregunto si al lugar dónde lo envié

Dios me permitirá subir de debajo de las tierras a su Reino,

para poder decirle que yo si lo amé,

lo amé con locura, pero lo amé.


¨Adiós mi angelito¨, dije.

A perder la vida, esperaré

¡BUUUM! (sonido de una pistola).