jueves, 28 de marzo de 2024



By: Chris Vintimilla

9th ¨A¨


Architecture is something that serves as a way for us to demonstrate our creativity when carrying out architectural work. The Architecture degree integrates knowledge of art, design, engineering, landscaping, urban planning, and more, teaching you how to design spaces and optimize resources, seeking the well-being of the people who will inhabit them. Architects can understand how spaces allow humans to interact in different ways.

Architecture shows us creations such as structures, modern pieces, artistic creations for recreations or museums, and several other things that are well-known in modern and historical architecture. The creation, improvement, and restoration of physical spaces demonstrate the needs of human beings, and architecture will always use imagination, technique, structure, etc.

Architecture as a discipline is in constant transformation. Therefore, the work of an architect consists of constantly thinking about the limits of design and innovation, understanding the individual and their environment, and using design as a tool to provide answers to the problems posed by living in contemporary society.

Architecture shows us that we can create various things just with our imagination, and our way of demonstrating art is not only based on the creation of structures.


5 comentarios:

  1. Me encanta y el artículo también

  2. El articulo es maravilloso, igual al escritor

  3. Hi Cris! Very good, your essay. Only the sky is the limit for the creativity that the human being has.
